McDowell Family Blog

McDowell Family Blog

Friday, February 24, 2012

No Parking

On the way to the bus stop this morning, Bailey noticed a "No Parking" sign. "Mommy!" she said. "Look! That sign says 'No Ps allowed!'" LOL!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Will has been growing a beard for the past week or so. At first it was a full beard, but then he shaved off the sides and made it into a goatee/mustache. I am not sure if I like it or not, and neither is he, but our little Bailey (of course) has a strong opinion: she was snuggling with him and went to give him a kiss, and then she said, "Daddy! Your face is all SPICY!" LOL :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love and Rockets

I decided to make Emily a special lunch today. I forgot to take a picture of hers but I did the same thing for Bailey, so I do have a shot of what it looked like. My idea was to make a sandwich that said, "I love you," so I cut out the letter I, a heart, and the letter U from two slices of bread. Then I made those into mini peanut butter and honey sandwiches. I was careful to pack them in the right order so she'd have a yummy note when she got to lunch today. Well, when she got home, I said, "Hey, Emmy, did you have a special lunch today?"

"I sure did!"

"What was it?"

"It was a heart and two rockets!" LOL :)

Here they are:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Liam brushes his teeth

Liam is definitely in the "imitation" phase--he does everything he sees one of us do. His latest achievement is brushing his own teeth, complete with a very emphatic spit at the end. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Bailey said she wanted to help me clean today. So I told her I was going to start dusting once I’d finished cleaning her bathroom. She ran off into the playroom and was busy cooking something in her kitchen, so I kind of forgot that I said that. Well, about fifteen minutes later I go in there to check on her and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING—the kitchen, the table, the puzzles, the shelves, everything—is COVERED in baby powder! So I’m like, “Bailey!! What are you DOING?” And she goes, “I am dusting!” Sheesh!! What a disaster that was! I can only be glad that it was just a travel sized bottle of powder and not a big one, or I would have been in serious trouble!