McDowell Family Blog

McDowell Family Blog

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lunch Date!

Today I took my crew to the Altamonte mall for lunch and some shopping. We had fun browsing the shops and looking for shoes for the girls. We also had lunch from Subway (girls) and Chick-Fil-A (Liam).

We finished our outing with delicious gelato from a French pastry shop. They even had mango sorbet for Liam! What a yummy day!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Playing in the Rain

Here in Florida, it rains almost every afternoon. Unfortunately for us, most of those rainstorms are also thunderstorms, so we have to stay inside. Today, however, there is a hurricane off the coast and we are getting some of the outer rain bands in our area. The kids have been asking me almost every day if they can play in the rain, so today when it started pouring, I said, "GET YOUR BATHING SUITS!"

I think they had a blast splash! :)