Over the past week I have had several conversations with Bailey that have really had me laughing. Two-year-olds are a riot!!
The other day, after I put her shirt on her, I noticed that she had a string dangling down from the sleeve. So I said, "Bailey, come into the kitchen. You have a string on your arm and I need to cut it."
Bailey got very upset and replied, "No! I don't want you to cut my arm!" LOL!! I guess I should have been clearer about what I was going to cut!
Bailey was playing on Emily's bike and she fell off and scratched her belly. So that night after her bath Will and I were trying to put some Neosporin on the scratches. She was super upset because I mentioned a band-aid (this kid HATES band-aids for some reason) so we told her we weren't going to put a band-aid, but that we needed to put some cream on her boo-boo. Again, she got upset and said, "I don't want you to give me a boo-boo!" And it took like ten minutes of us explaining that we weren't trying to GIVE her a boo-boo, we were trying to take care of the boo-boo she already had! Sheesh!! But it was still funny.
And last but not least...
Yesterday B was watching Max and Ruby, and Max pulled a worm out of a mud puddle. So Bailey says, "Look! Max has a noodle!"
I laughed and said, "That's not a noodle; that's a worm."
Bailey goes, "Oh, that's not a noodle. That's a WORM!"
So I burst out laughing, which made her laugh, which made Emily and me laugh even harder. What fun!!
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