McDowell Family Blog

McDowell Family Blog

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"I sorry"

Well, tears are flowing in the McDowell household today.  Bailey has been having a tough time listening lately, and today was one of our worst days yet.  It all started at the library this morning, where B was speaking VERY loudly.  I said, "Bailey, you must speak softly in the library."

"OKAY!" she replied.

We did that a couple times until I finally got frustrated and said, "I was going to take you to the mall today, but you just aren't being a good listener!"


Needless to say, we did not go to the mall.  Unfortunately, her bad behavior continued through Target, while picking Emily up at school, and at home during quiet time.  She didn't stay in her room during quiet time, and then she refused to clean it up afterwards.  Finally, after the 30th or so time that I asked her to clean up, she yelled, "NO!" So I said, "Okay," and went and got a trash bag.  In seconds I had everything from the floor of her room into the bag and I took it away.  She was hysterical, crying that she wanted her toys back.  After she calmed down, we talked about what happened.

"Bailey, do you know why Mommy took your toys away?"

"I don't know."

"What did Mommy ask you to do?"

"Clean up my room."

"And did you clean it up?"


"That's why I took the toys away.  Do you understand?"


We had this entire discussion again, several times.  Then I said, "Bailey, do you have something to say to Mommy?"

"I sorry, Mommy."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I sorry that you take away my toys." (LOL)

"No, you are sorry that you didn't obey Mommy.  You're going to have to earn your toys back by being a good listener and making good choices."

I am not sure any of this actually made an impression on her... hopefully it did, though!  I am looking forward to this phase being over, that is for sure!

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