I have been trying to get Liam to poop on the potty for close to a year now. About a week ago, he saw a Sherriff Woody doll in Walmart that he really wanted to have. So I made him a deal that if he pooped on the potty, I would get him the doll.
Every day since we made that deal, he's pooped in a diaper, sometimes more than once per day. And every time he says, "You buy Woody [for] me, [if] I poop in potty." So he totally GOT it but he still wasn't going to use the potty.
WELL, yesterday I noticed him running off into Emily's room, holding his bottom. I said, "Liam, do you need to poop?" He yells, "NO!" I said, "Yes, you do! Let's poop on the potty!"
He came out and tried but didn't go. We repeated that same scenario about an hour after that. He tried hard, but wasn't able to go. So I said, "You tell me when you are ready to use the potty, okay?"
Shortly after that, he came to me and said, "I ready poop on potty now." So I said, "okay! Let's do it!" I sat with him for a while and then I said, "I'm going to get the laundry out of the dryer. So you let me know when you are done."
A few minutes later I find him playing on the floor. I said, "Did you go?" And he said, "I poop in there!" And sure enough, he POOPED IN THE POTTY!!!!!!
Well, we got cleaned and dressed and went right out to get Sherriff Woody. Hopefully we will be out of diapers soon! :)
Oh, and the funniest part of all--after I gave him the doll, he said, "To infinity and beyond, Mom." LOL!!
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